PHONE NUMBER 01202 524777
EMAIL: admin@aimcommunity.org

Safeguarding Statement of Commitment
As an organisation we believe that:
- The welfare of the child is paramount. 

All children and young people, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual identity, have the right to protection from abuse. 

Children and young people should be respected and valued as individuals. 

We should provide a safe, caring, environment with a happy and friendly atmosphere.
We have a responsibility to protect children and young people and report suspected or disclosed abuse to the appropriate statutory authorities. 

All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and all AIMCommunity staff (paid and unpaid) have a responsibility to report concerns to the named Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputy DSL in their absence.
We have a responsibility to support and train those who work with children and young people within AIMCommunity.

We have a commitment to best practice as far as our work with children and young people is concerned. 

To promote, implement and monitor the AIMCommunity’s responsibilities under the Prevent Duty to all students, staff, Trustees and visitors.
To promote and embed British Values into the organisation’s procedures and curriculum offer.
To set a strategy, objectives and an action plan to achieve the Prevent Duty.
To promote AIMCommunity's ethos and values.
To break down segregation among different student groups and to engage all students in having a full and active role with wider engagement in society.
To ensure student and staff safety.
To ensure that AIMCommunity promotes a culture of non bullying, non harassment and non discrimination.
To provide support for students who may be at risk, and develop appropriate sources of advice and guidance.
To ensure that students and staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities in preventing violent extremism and radicalisation.

Safeguarding & PREVENT Links
Grow Your Vision

Email help@nspcc.org.uk
Call 0808 800 5000

9:30am - 4pm, Monday - Friday.
Parent Help Line 0808 802 5544
Text YM to 85258

Call 0800 1111
To make a referral, call the National Police Prevent advice line on 0800 011 3764, or use the Dorset Police online referral form.
For general advice before making a referral, call 01202 229 319 or email dorsetprevent@dorset.police.uk